Behind the Scenes
A lot goes on behind the scenes here at Avon Lee and I thought it would be good to highlight some of the ‘back office’ functions of the home, and one of those key functions are our staff supervisions.Supervisions can take the form of a one or two to one meeting rather like an annual appraisal, but that will go over performance both positive and negative from the last 6 weeks. Depending upon the volume of points to discuss supervisions can take up to an hour.
Used in conjunction with our staff meeting workshops, supervisions help ensure the continuity and professionalism of our team. We can isolate particular themes, for example our last workshop was improving the infection control throughout the home and ensuring the continuity of quality throughout all staff members.
Our supervision process provides ring fenced time every six weeks for all of our team to not only receive feedback and career development guidance from the myself as the Director and Tracy as Manager, but also to give suggestions on any improvement to our service. It can also help identify individual training requirements which help staff feel valued.
Not only does this ‘Investors in People’ accredited approach help with our care provision, but it also leads us to having a very high staff retention rate, which leads to staff continuity, which of course benefits our clients.